On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Popcorn season is finally here, which will run only 3 weekends. Boy Scout Popcorn sale is our traditional fundraising program. It’s a great opportunity for Scouts to learn about “work to pay their own way”, and pick up some soft skills.
This year’s popcorn sale uses Trail’s End App that can help to sign up storefront time slots, run cash or credit card transaction, and do online and wagon sale – all-in-one. If any question, please contact our Popcorn Kernel, Eva.
Tip: Asking “would you like to support our Scouting program?” is much more effective than “would you like to buy some popcorn?”.
Estimates vary, but, on average, each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day. In 2018, two laws were passed that built on California’s ongoing efforts to make water conservation a way of life. The laws establish a standard of 55 gallons per person per day until January 2025, and then to 50 gallons per person per day in 2030.
The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District has adopted a “water budget system”. Every household’s water budget consists of Indoor Need, Outdoor Need and certain Adjustments. Indoor water budget is calculated with 55 gallons per person per day.
Is that any change or restrictions on water usage in effect?
Not yet. As California’s drought worsens amid scorching heat across the state and challenging water supply conditions in Northern California, California Governor has called on all Californians to reduce water use by 15 percent.
Pack 3789 had the first Pack Meeting of the new school year on Aug 19, Thu, at Oak Canyon Community Park. We were welcoming our new Scouts and their families. It will be a great new Scouting year now that we are back to in-person meetings and activities.
We invited a local gemstone expert, Mr. Kevin Lake, to join our Pack meeting to talk about gemstones. Mr Lake was an Eagle Scout many years ago and he generously donated many pieces of Botswana Agate raw stones to our Pack. Every scout received a piece of Botswana Agate before the meeting and learned some fun facts about this gemstone. We also had a virtual tour in Mr. Lake’s workshop to see how he cuts, shapes and polishes gemstones.
Please join us for another fun filled pack meeting on Thursday, February 11th from 6-7 pm. We will be going on a cool virtual field trip and discussing the awesome activities that we will be doing at our virtual pack campout at the end of the month. Hope to see you all there.
Please join us for another cool Zoom pack meeting this Thursday, December 17th (tomorrow) from 6:00-7:00 pm. We will be learning about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and how it is put together and it’s advantages over other aircraft. The 787 Dreamliner is one of the most fuel efficient commercial airplanes currently flying.
We will also have the opportunity to speak to Joshua’s grandfather, who is an Aerodynamics Engineer for Boeing. He has been working for Boeing for over 20 years and has worked closely on the design of the 787 Dreamliner as well as projects for NASA. Hope to see you there.
Our 1st ever Virtual Pack Campout was held on the weekend of November 14-15. During the event, our scouts made their favorite pasta dishes for dinner, followed by “campfire” S’mores.
Although the night weather conditions were not ideal, some scouts were able to sleep outdoor in tents and enjoyed it.
In the morning, they made the famous “Scout omelets in a bag” for breakfast and and had lots fun doing other scouting activities.
Our 1st ever Virtual Pack Campout was held on the weekend of November 14-15. During the event, our scouts made their favorite pasta dishes for dinner, followed by “campfire” S’mores. In the morning, they made the famous “Scout omelets in a bag” for breakfast, and had lots fun doing other scouting activities. Visit our Campout event Facebook page to see the photos: https://fb.me/e/34pi3LOmb